Matchmaking for Adventist Professionals.

A convenient way for you to meet compatible SDA singles. Join the free database of potential matches.

4 Ways We Can Help You

Singles Database

Submit your free confidential profile to be eligible for exclusive speed dating events, and get contacted when one of our matchmaking clients meets your dating criteria.

Dating Newsletter

Every Friday morning, you’ll get 1 actionable tip to help you on your dating journey. Be the first to know about new events, workshops, and free dating resources.

Exclusive Speed Dating

As a member of the database, get invited to personalized, intentional speed dating events where you’ll meet potential matches, hand-picked just for you.

Premium Matchmaking

We go beyond algorithms, and personally vet matches to find the person you’ve always wanted to meet. You’ll have unlimited access to dating feedback, advice & resources.

Meet Your Matchmaker

Hi – I’m David Buruchara. I help Adventists find love and thrive in their relationships!

I’ve spent the last decade learning the keys to successful Christian dating and selecting the right partner.

Down to Earth with the Burucharas Podcast

Want to get to know David and his relationship philosophy a bit better? Listen in to his and his wife, Callie’s, podcast about relationships. Explore over 100 episodes that range from early dating interactions, relationships with your parents, and values vs. preferences when finding your person.

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Ready for Growth?

Ready to Meet Your Person?