
We go on the first date for you.

An Ancient Tradition

For centuries, matchmaking has been a cultural cornerstone in societies around the world. From the biblical story of Eliezer, sent to find a suitable wife for Isaac, to present-day “matrimonial consultants” in countries like India, matchmaking has stood the test of time as a time-honored practice. It was all about creating connections, aligning values, and ensuring compatibility – principles as relevant today as they were then. But how does this age-old tradition fit into your modern dating journey as an SDA professional?

A Modern Approach

The 21st-century dating landscape is unparalled. In one way, there is a much wider pool of potential candidates within reach by a click of a button. On the flip side, swiping endlessly on the apps and overanalyzing DMs is quickly proving to be more of a burden than a blessing. Especially for niche populations (cough…Adventists) online dating feels impersonal, indiscreet, and tedious.

You deserve better.

Cue Matchmaking. With Netflix’s Indian Matchmaking and Jewish Matchmaking, singles are being reintroduced to the new-old way of turning to a third party to find a partner. It’s high time for a dating experience that combines efficiency with a human touch. By blending tradition with modern technology, matchmaking offers a personalized approach to your search based on your individual values, preferences, and lifestyle.

An Adventist Touch

Nearly half of U.S. Adults say that dating has gotten harder for everyone. And it’s probably even harder for Seventh-day Adventist singles. Searching for a partner who shares your core beliefs, values, and lifestyle choices, along with appreciating your unique personality, culture, and preferences is a daunting task. Because no Adventist is the same.

At Down To Earth Match we understand, and are here to make your journey a lot simpler. By working with a matchmaker, we do the legwork of finding SDA individuals who have been carefully vetted and selected to meet your criteria. At the core of this tailored approach is the human touch. We’re here to guide you and provide personalized advice, coaching, and support every step of the way.

5 steps of Matchmaking


Dating Profile & Consultation

The process begins with you submitting your free dating profile to our matchmaking database. If you’ve expressed interest in our matchmaking service, we will review your profile and contact you if we feel you’d be a great client fit i.e. if we think we have potential matches to connect you to! We will contact you to have a 30min consultation call to brief you further on the matchmaking process.

1:1 Coaching

Once you sign a client contract, we’ll kick off by delving into your relationship history, discussing your current challenges and aspirations, and exploring how your personal growth intersects with your love life. These 1:1 conversations allow for a deep, meaningful exploration of your relationship goals and equips you with the knowledge and tools to achieve them.



Curated Matches and First-Date Planning

Leveraging our extensive database of SDA singles and understanding of compatibility factors, I personally select matches that align with your relationship goals, needs, and lifestyle.

To ensure the best possible start, I also take the stress out of first-date planning. From providing conversation starters for your Zoom call, or helping select the perfect activity for an in-person date, I help you create a comfortable and enjoyable setting where you can focus on getting to know each other, creating the foundation for a potential lasting connection.

Post Date Feedback and Guidance

After each date, we’ll have a debriefing session where you can share your experience, thoughts, and feelings. This session offers valuable insights for your next steps, whether that involves a second date, understanding what went well or not so well, or identifying patterns that might be hindering your dating success.



Long Term Relationship Coaching

We equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to thrive once you’ve found a promising match. This focused guidance is designed to set you up for success in a long-term relationship.

We delve into critical areas such as effective communication, conflict resolution, and building emotional intimacy. It’s structured to empower you with skills and insights that you can confidently apply in your relationship journey, fostering a love that is healthy, satisfying, and long-lasting.

After this preparatory phase, we step back, allowing you to navigate your blossoming relationship with confidence and autonomy.


People turn to matchmakers for various reasons, including:

Time Constraints: Matchmakers save clients valuable time by pre-screening potential matches, ensuring they meet their criteria.
Privacy: Matchmakers provide a discreet and confidential way to explore potential relationships.
Access to a Wider Pool: Matchmakers often have access to a broader network of potential matches, including those not active on online dating platforms.
Personalized Guidance: They offer personalized coaching and feedback to help individuals improve their dating and relationship skills.
Expertise: Matchmakers offer a wealth of experience and industry knowledge, increasing the likelihood of finding a compatible partner.

At Down To Earth matchmaking service we focus on serving SDA clients, differentiating our services by:

Religious Compatibility: We focus on matching individuals who share the same faith and values, catering to Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and lifestyle.
Understanding of Faith: Our matchmaking team typically has a grounded understanding of how Seventh-day Adventist practice their beliefs across the diversity of believers, allowing us to facilitate connections based on your principles.
Community and Networking: We take advantage of our established network within the Seventh-day Adventist community to match you with compatible individuals
Shared Values: Beyond religion, we emphasize compatibility in other areas of life, such as personality, lifestyle, family and cultural values, other ethical beliefs, all integral to one’s personal identity beyond their denominational affiliation.

Not at all. Matchmaking is for anyone who values their time and wants to enhance their chances of finding a meaningful, lasting relationship. It’s not about inability to find dates; it’s about optimizing the process by relying on experts who can identify suitable matches efficiently.

Absolutely. Matchmakers take your preferences seriously. They consider factors like lifestyle, values, interests, and even physical attributes when selecting potential matches. The goal is to introduce you to individuals who fit your criteria.

Matchmakers use a combination of in-depth interviews, assessments, and their expertise to ensure compatibility. They look beyond surface-level traits and focus on deeper compatibility factors that contribute to a successful relationship.

While matchmaking is an investment, it’s important to consider the time, effort, and potentially unsuccessful dates you might avoid. Matchmaking services offer different packages to accommodate various budgets, and the value of finding a compatible partner can far outweigh the cost.

Matchmaking is designed for busy professionals who recognize the value of their time. With a matchmaker handling the search, you can focus on your career and other priorities, knowing that your relationship journey is in capable hands.

Trust is crucial in the matchmaking process. Reputable matchmaking services prioritize confidentiality and respect your privacy. They only share relevant information with potential matches once both parties are interested in connecting.